Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Temperature Control Upgrade?

I've just pitched yeast into an ale using my newly modified temperature control system.  I've gotten rid of the cooler of ice and water and replaced it with milk jug in a mini-refrigerator.  I have the same pond pump set up running water out of the milk jug.  To run the tubing and power cable for the pump out of the refrigerator,  I put a slit in the top of the magnetic strip on the refrigerator door.  I'm starting it off easy with a Belgian golden ale recipe that I wanted to ferment on the warm side, 70 degrees F.

My cheap thermostat controller got knocked over while I was setting everything up and one of the connections I soldered got torn out.  I jammed the wire back into the heat shrink and taped the wires to the  thermostat so they couldn't move.  That was tiring, so I'll add pictures later with an update on the performance of this new system.  If it works, I won't have to plan changing ice packs into my schedule.

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