Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hop Experiment: Two Weeks

It's been about two weeks since I put my rhizomes in the ground and they've finally all put up shoots.  This Cascade was the last to put something up.
 The Nuggets (below) are way ahead of the Cascades.  The bines on the Nuggets were getting long enough to bend to the side, but weren't long enough to reach the twine I had secured to my containers.  I ended up tying an extra lengths of twine to the pieces I had already strung up.  Then I wrapped the bines around those extra pieces of twine.
 This (below) was the first of my two Cascades to put up shoots and it's already way ahead of the second Cascade.  I'm a little concerned that it's looking wispy compared to the Nuggets.

At this point, I have each of my four rhizomes in it's own five gallon bucket with commercial potting soil.  I'm using an adjustable trellis system similar to the one described in this BYO article (, except that I'm limited to a 6.5 ft stake.  I would have preferred to use a larger stake, but that was about as tall as I could make them while still being able to move the plants.  

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